Racially-awake Whites are a Threat to Globalists and their One Government over the World Scheme. It is as Simple as That.

If whites suddenly feel like whites, that white lives matter, that white history matters, that white ancestors matter; if whites suddenly recognize the USA as a country founded by whites for whites, then whites will oppose open borders with its massive Third World immigration, which is entirely composed of colored races. Whites will oppose paying taxes for colored race immigrants, almost all of whom come to the USA and need their lives subsidized with #welfare owing to their state of being―having no discernible high-value work skills.

WTO Protest, Seattle, 1999

Further, whites will come to see that having unfettered free trade with over-populated countries of colored races with low per capital capital spending, such as China (1.4 billion), India (1.4 bil), Indonesia (270 mil), Brazil (212 mil), Nigeria (206 mil), Bangladesh (169 mil) and so on, only makes them poorer while it enriches the owners of the capital in these countries. 

For having free trade with high-population, low-capital countries is equal to having these countries added as states to the USA with the cheapest labor and no regulation. That makes factories and jobs get sucked out of the USA into those countries.

Whites are better off substantially having high tariffs and capital-intensive factory jobs in the USA. It makes working-class whites richer and makes the owners of capital less rich. In fact, the only true way to get closer to income equality is capital-intensive work under extreme, enforced competition, i.e., no monopolies, no oligopolies, no trusts.