Sandia National Laboratories Anti-White Politics Exposed. White Loyalist American Freedom Fighter Casey Petersen Exposes His Employer.

Most never have heard of Sandia National Laboratories. So what is it?

Honeywell International, a publicly traded, multinational conglomerate headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, and a Fortune 100 firm (ranked 77th) owns the National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, which in turn operates the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL).

The lab itself is one of three National Nuclear Security Administration research and development laboratories in the United States with the purpose develop, engineer, and test the non-nuclear components of nuclear weapons and high technology.

Its existence is as close as the USA gets to the national socialism of Nazi Germany as Congress forces taxpayers to fund it. Rather than being an expression of ethnic-based national socialism as invented by the Jews in the late 1800s and co-opted by Hitler and the Nazi Party of the 1930s, you can think of it rightly as an expression of multi-ethnic civic national socialism. 

Recently, the execs of SNL thought it wise to subject its white workers to hours of indoctrination. One worker, Casey Petersen, decided to fight back. This is his refutation of the anti-white racist brainwashing that his employer thrust upon him.